Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 11 En Full Version Incl Serial And Crack | 130.67 MB
KasperskySecurity Suite CBE 11 is really a renamed edition of Kaspersky InternetSecurity 2011 specifically launched for Computer Bild magazinecustomers, Actually the CBE may be the acronym for Computer BildEdition?. much like Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS).
KasperskyInternet Security 2011 and Kaspersky Security Suite (KSS) CBE 11 spotsa brand new obvious and straightforward interface that obvious ofcomplicated and confusing symbols and design to ensure that thecommonly used instructions and processes is simple to find.Additionally, it includes a desktop gadget for Windows 7 which suppliesquick viewing of protection status for that PC instantly in color code“ eco-friendly for OK and red-colored for at risk. Much enhancementshappen to be completed to wise anti-phishing protection and VirtualKeyboard which safeguards digital identity, parental control,Application Control which examines and grants or loans privileges anduse of system assets, Save Compact disc and Safe Run mode which enablescustomers to operate suspicious programs and websites inside aspecifically isolated atmosphere.
However the primary section ofproblem is still security protection, in which the Kaspersky InternetSecurity 2011 and Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 11 is constantly on theenhance its real-time positive protection against all Internet risks. Abrand new Safe Surf feature continues to be incorporated to instantlyblock dangerous or offensive websites before going to. A brand newtechnology named System Watcher monitors and evaluates every systemevent to precisely identify any harmful behavior. Whenever a threathappens, the consumer is going to be motivated to roll back anymalicious program activity.
Key Features and Benefits
* Real-time proactive protection against all Internet threats Improved!
Prevents all types of known and unknown malware from infecting your computer.
* New Safe Surf feature for unparalleled online security New!
WithSafe Surf youll never be exposed to harmful or offensive websites.Regular database updates from Kaspersky Lab means that Safe Surf willautomatically block undesirable websites as they appear. Just switch iton.
* Protection for your digital identity at all times Improved!
Smartanti-phishing protection and Virtual Keyboard keep your digitalidentity absolutely secure when you are shopping, banking or socialnetworking online.
* Feature-rich and effective Parental Control Improved!
Theproducts advanced Parental Control features can block, limit and logapplications and web access, so your children stay safe online.
* Application Control prevents dangerous software from harming your system Improved!
Eachprogram is granted rights and access to system resources based on anautomated risk-assessment using Kaspersky Labs in-the-cloud securitydatabase.
* System Watcher technology New!
Cutting-edge SystemWatcher technology monitors and analyzes every system event toaccurately detect any dangerous behavior. If a threat occurs, the userwill be prompted to roll back any malicious program activity.
* Unique Safe Run mode for apps & websites Improved!
SafeRun mode lets you run suspicious applications and websites in aspecially isolated environment where they cannot damage your system.
* Special tools to treat even the most complex infections Improved!
Theinstallation CD can also be used as a bootable rescue disk to help youto restore your system should you ever need to. If youve downloadedyour Kaspersky Lab product you can create your own Rescue CD using theprogram.
* Easy-Access Desktop gadget New!
Checking your PCs protection status and quickly accessing your preferred security features and settings has never been easier!
New and Improved Features
*Improved: Risk-based Application Control restricts programs rights toaccess potentially vulnerable system resources or share sensitive dataon the Internet
* New: System Watcher - Heuristics-based analysis monitors, restricts and blocks suspicious program behavior
* Improved: Safe Run mode launches questionable applications and websites without risk
* Improved: Rescue CD disinfects the system after malware attacks
*New: Safe Run for websites mode provides added security for onlinebanking and other similar activities where a high risk of identitytheft exists
* Improved: Advanced antimalware technologies even allows installation on infected PCs
*New: New System Watcher technology tracks, records and analyzessuspicious activity and lets you roll back any dangerous actions
* New: Safe Surf technology blocks malware and phishing websites for great online security
Key Protection Technologies
* Real-time proactive protection against viruses and other malware Improved!
* Safe Surf and Kaspersky Web Toolbar for online security New!
* Best-in-class personal firewall for keeping hackers at bay
* Identity protection with Virtual Keyboard and anti-phishing Improved!
* Unique Safe Run mode for suspicious apps & sites Improved!
* Advanced Parental Control with flexible settings Improved!
* Smart anti-spam and anti-banner protection Improved!
* Computer tune-up for better performance and protection
* Rescue CD for system restoration after malware attacks Improved!
* Automatic scheduled scans and updates
Protection from all types of malware:
* Viruses, Trojans, worms and other malware, spyware and adware
* Rootkits, bootkits and other complex threats
* Identity theft by key loggers and screen capture malware
* Botnets and various illegal methods of hijacking your PC
* Zero-day attacks and unknown threats
* Drive-by download infections
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